Advanced Office Password Recovery 5.12 Serial 12
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All NFTL documents, including manually-prepared ones, should be filed through CLO so that they can be included in the BSV payment process. In the rare situation where exigent circumstances exist and the NFTL document must be hand-carried to the recording office for filing, the employee presenting the document to the recording office is responsible for ensuring the filing fee is paid. See IRM, Hand-Carried NFTL for Filing, for detailed procedures.
Lien releases are most often systemically input to ALS, but they can be manually input as needed. Certificates of release are printed and mailed to the recording office following standard batch processing. As with NFTLs, the printing and mailing of the certificate of release triggers the transmittal of data from ALS to CPS (for issuance of the taxpayer copy) and to Master File (for the posting of a TC 583 to each module on the NFTL). See IRM 5.12.3, Lien Release and Related Topics. 2b1af7f3a8