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Since its inception, US. banking regulation has effectively prohibited a bank from opening or owning a branch located outside of its home state, commonly referred to as interstate branching. Only since the passage of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (IBBEA) of 1994 have banks been able to engage in interstate branching, albeit still subject to significant state restrictions. Despite IBBEA 's removal of those barriers, it still allowed the states to impose anticompetitive restrictions governing the entry of out-of-state banks through the establishment of branch offices. As a result, states that were opposed to entry used IBBEA to erect barriers to out-of-state branch entry. This Article describes the changes in federal and state interstate branching law since passage of IBBEA and reviews how initial (1994-1997) and evolving (1998-2005) interstate branching laws affect out-of-state branch growth in a state's banking market. We provide a detailed fifty-state plus the District of Columbia survey of each state's initial interstate branch banking restrictions and changes to those provisions between 1994 and 2005. Based on the results of this survey, we employ regression analysis to determine whether there was an empirical association between restrictive state regulation and out-of-state branch banking entry. We conclude that anticompetitive state provisions restricted out-of-state growth when those provisions were more restrictive than the provisions set by neighboring states.
During the height of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, the government bailed out numerous corporations, including banks, investment banks, and automobile manufacturers. While the bailouts helped end the financial crisis, they were intensely controversial at the time, and were marred by the ad hoc, politicized quality of the government intervention. We examine the bailouts from the financial crisis as well as earlier bailouts to determine what policy considerations best justify them, and how they are best designed. The major considerations in bailing out and structuring the bailout of a firm are the macroeconomic impact of failure; the moral hazard effect of the bailout; the discriminatory effect of the bailout; and procedural fairness. Future bailouts should be guided by principles that ensure that the decisionmaker properly takes into account these factors.
Stagnation is a challenge faced by Islamic banking. Inadequate capital, small scale industries and banks, and low efficiency are the main obstacles to sharia banking in Indonesia. Therefore, the arrangement of various aspects needs to be done, so that national Islamic foreign exchange banks can compete with conventional commercial banks in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of business activities. This study uses primary and secondary data with qualitative descriptive analysis. This study uses banking theory to determine the development of national Islamic foreign exchange banks in Indonesia. The data used are assets, liabilities, equity, and profit and loss. The total number of active national Islamic foreign exchange banks in Indonesia is 6 banks. The regulator encourages an increase in the role of national Islamic foreign exchange banks to carry out merger and acquisition strategies, hence they are strong in the capital, in BUKU IV category, can compete for business with conventional commercial banks, and can play an important role in the advancement of the Indonesian economy.
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Since June 2017, Zelle Network Banks and Credit Unions have seen up to 300% increases in new customer enrollments. An average of more than 50,000 new consumers enroll with Zelle daily. These consumers join a person-to-person (P2P) payments network already poised to reach more than 86-million consumers through the mobile banking apps of Zelle Network participant banks and credit unions.
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And if trade needs financing to flow smoothly around the world, banks in turn need common rules and guidelines to deal with their counterparts from other countries in order to avoid the confusion that comes with conflicting national rules.
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