Plasmacam Design Edge Software Download __TOP__
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The PlasmaCAM software is one complete Windows 95/98 program that allows you to draw and edit designs, importdesigns from other sources, convert designs into cut paths, and control the PlasmaCAM cutting table. "It's extremely easy to use." - Maurice Lavoie, Pemberton Valley Our customers love our software because it's so easy to use. The program is very simple yet it gets the job done quickly. The program consists of a large window that displays the design image while you work on it or cut it with the machine. Both the edge of the cutting area and the current position of the torch are also displayed in this window - allowing youto easily place parts exactly where you want to cut them on the table. (In the example shown, the deer is placed near the lower left corner of the cutting area, and the torch is currently positioned just above the deer's back.) The program has a simple menu at the top of the window. This menu contains about 50 different commands that each do something to the drawing you are working on. For example, the Scale command will change the size of a part to whatever size you want to make it. Shown next to the commonly used commands on the menu is a letter code that you can type to activate the command. This allows you to work extremely fast once you learn the commands. For example, you can simply press the "s" key to scale a part, instead of pulling "Scale" off the menu. Note that every software command available is listed on the menu in plain English, so you are not required to memorizethe meanings of any secret key combinations or icon buttons to use this program. (In the example the Edit menu is opened; this is the longest menu.) Here's what the Software Commands Do:Note that some of these commands are commonly used while others are rarely used. Just skip past any description that doesn't sound like it applies to your needs. To best understand our software, watch it in action as shown in our demo video. File Transfers
Note: If you want to design and build HVAC ducting with the PlasmaCAM system, you can purchase design and layout software from Design2FAB and transfer ducting profiles to PlasmaCAM in DXF or HPGL/2 format.Click here to see Design2FAB's web site
Machine Control What makes the PlasmaCAM software so impressive is the fact that it interacts with the machine in real time. Therefore, the same program that displays the drawing on screen also controls the machine and knows where it is. This visual interactivity between the design software and the cutting table makes it so much easier to lay out and cut parts.
I have created just a simple box (5"x3-3/8") on autoCAD and need it cut the exact size of that. When I am selecting the box of the cut path it either gives me the inside or outside. When I cut them both out they are under size or oversize. Is there a way in design edge to cut "on" the line?
Having trouble with the design edge software. I'm trying to simply import a google image of the starbuck logo in the software for practice in understanding it better, but I keep running into errors. Such as it being a PNG, which I thought was compatible, as I click "Ok" a tab pops up reading "image cannot recognize newer or incompatable PCM format". When trying to send a converted picture as a bmp it just reads "Unable to read file". Is there something I'm missing or are only certain images able to be imported and why??
GoTorch uses software and controls specifically engineered for plasma cutting and well known in the industry for superior performance and ease of use.Through a special arrangement with our suppliers, we are able to bring this cutting-edge technology to you at minimal cost. This ultimately makes a hugedifference, giving you a high-performance machine that is much easier to use and less expensive than alternatives.
The DesignEdge® software includes a sample art disc with ready-to-cut images that can simply be opened and cut in the software. These images are designed by artists for plasma cutting and result in high-quality, detailed metal art silhouettes when made by the GoTorch machine.PlasmaCAM Art DiscsAdditional art discs for making various types of finished products of different styles are available. This can help you get started even faster in your metal art business because you can begin making profitable products immediately and later transition into other possibilities.What makes DesignEdge so effective and easy to use is the way that you can design, cut, and control everything within one streamlined program. 2b1af7f3a8