The Only Thing Those Hacks At Filmation Did Right [PATCHED]
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Looking at the two, they are not the same except for blind person. The Fluke have 3 buttons top left of the dial, 2 rectangular and 1 round. The Fluke have 4 probe connectors at bottom the Sparkfun only 3. The Sparkfun DMM dial handle have light gray sides the Fluke is all black. This sparkfun dial as a colored ring around the dial not the Fluke. At bottom edge the Sparkfun model show a black ridge not the Fluke.If this is pantone that can be copyrighted , in this case comparing the photo it is not the same yellow.
I would be less pleased to grab a familiar yellow encased meter and trust it to measure the 480 3 phase mains only to discover microseconds later that it was a fatal mistake via a rip-off clone. I have experienced plasma. We are outside of the area where things are questionable here. There is a purpose being served and it is safety. Only a few hobbyists will appreciate the point but those of us living and dying by it in our profession will know.
Shooter: No. In those days, they had, artboards were sent to the Comics Code and then sent back to the publishers, and who then sent them off to the engraver. Later, the whole industry got so late that they just started sending photocopies, to the Code. And sometimes, just photocopies of lettered pencils, stuff like that because things were late.
So anyway, they started working on it. And it was right around the time of the Cannes Film Festival. So, Alice our VP of business, she went to Cannes. And she was going to try to meet Bo Derek. Why? Because the movie 10 had just come out. Monster hit. So, Bo Derek was the hottest thing in Hollywood.
There were other things like that too. And so, I railed at these people. I went to Galton a hundred times. I was arguing all the time. And like I said, I only won one fight. That was the royalty fight.
I would be miffed about the controls ( I don't find it any better on the iPad than I do the iPhone), the boring story, and the near-total lack of giveashitaboutitness the makers have for MOTU, if not for the darn thing only costing me a buck.
The pack includes an extra set of propeller hands for each of the robots, and swapping them in and out is really easy. I seem to remember the robots in the cartoon using the propeller hands as weapons by spinning them really fast to chop up their foes. I suppose they could really do some damage with those if they got up close and personal. Good thing for The Masters of the Universe that these guys were pretty useless.
JB: I loved Jack London. I love To Build a Fire, one of his short stories. I love Ambrose Bierce, The Incident at Owl Creek Bridge. Those kind of stories. I was a lot into Poe, The Tell Tale Heart and those kind of stories. The Cask of Amontillado, all these things I I used to read. I was a big fan of the books like Ivanhoe or Robin Hood and anything that had adventure in it. Jack London was my favorite author.
But AFAIK, no one from those protests actively called for an insurrection of the government. And certainly no one IN the government said it was Ok for any of those people to do what they wanted, which is the main issue. Trump was advocating for those idiots to do what they did because he told them over and over and over and over and over again not only was he cheated out of an election, the government, which he was in charge of, was actively conspiring to keep him from being President. So please spare me pretending its the same thing. They raided the capitol over a lie! Instigated by the President himself.
Alex Kurtzman does not have the background in achieving any consistent success (if any) in his career or any understanding of character and story development to really speak to the needs of any genre. Especially science fiction, where he has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to develop thought provoking, plot consistent engaging stories. Let alone address the specifics of Star Trek. He knows next to nothing about Star Trek except the things that have surfaced into pop-culture. The pop-culture line items are only the surface attributes that casual observers recognize. These are not the fundamental attributes that have allowed the Star Trek genre to survive for over half a century. Of which, Kurtzman and his parade of producers have very little understanding. Primarily of which is the lack of sound science fiction and good character driven stories. Instead he has openly stated that Star Trek is primarily a platform for messaging. That is his personally stated perspective of what Star Trek is. This is obviously incorrect. Star Trek has not survived to this day by being a platform for messaging. This misguided perspective has turned Star Trek into science fantasy presentation with so many in-story plot inconsistencies (Due to the cavalcade of producers) and uninteresting characters that anyone watching his presentations have to completely suspend any coherent thought processes to be able to get through an episode of any of his presentations. This is the complete antithesis of what has allowed Star Trek to survive.
As a horror fan, I don't mind Whitehouse. You don't need to see Cannibal Holocaust to know what it's all about. I loved it before even seeing it, and I still do. She never saw the Romans in Britain, famously, for the perfectly sensible reason that she didn't want to corrupt her mind with those corrupt images. The point is: it's possible to love and be attuned to art without ever encountering it fully. In the pre DVD and Internet years, that's what most of us had to do. We picked up hints of it and fleshed out the rest in our minds, often with uncanny accuracy. I figure it's the same with art we fear and despise. But don't underestimate the disdain and loathing with which people of Whitehouse's views and sensibilities were and are treated. They feel beleaguered, and not unreasonably. To me the fact that they would probably just want to beleaguer others is beside the point. I went to school with a Mormon and a member of the Exclusive Breathren, and they were both made to suffer and feel ridiculous on occasions.
Oh, and Iain: the fun thing about the British constitution is that not only is it not written down, but a lot of it only exists if you believe in the Declarative Theory of Constitutional Law. Which is a fun thing to believe in, of course. So let's say we do.
But if I'm right about this historical context, that makes me wonder why neither side in the debate about, for example, praying in schools, to pick what seems to be the totemic issue, has made this point. because it seems to me that the only view consistent with the constitution would be for each community that runs its own schools to decide for themselves whether schoolteachers were allowed, not allowed, or required (as in the UK, at least de jure) to lead their pupils in prayer.
However, the way she uses that power is in almost all circumstances highly constrained by the convention that the Prime Minister must have the confidence of the House of Commons. So usually, that means there is only one possible person who she can ask (anyone else would immediately be defeated and she would just have to ask the right person again).
On the personal note: bullying? Yes it does happen and did happen on as large a scale or larger than Philip encountered in 93. Ask the children of the 60's and '70's when toothless school policies not only did nothing to discourage the bullys, but sometimes rewarded the perps as the school officials thought that it would "toughen up" the young "different" kids.
Incidentally, I should probably explain my reference to Ramsey's Maxim. The maxim states that when philosophical disputes prove intractable and unenlightening, "it is a heuristic maxim that the truth lies not in one of the two disputed views but in some third possibility which has not yet been thought of, which we can only discover by rejecting something assumed as obvious by both the disputants."
In terms of the prime minister, that's right, although usually the outgoing prime minister will advise her on who to send for. Other than 1974, the time when the present Queen had some choice in the matter was at Macmillan's resignation in 1963, when, at Macmillan's advice, she sent for Douglas-Home. At that time, the Tories didn't really have a procedure for choosing a leader under those circumstances, so Douglas-Home got picked even though both the Cabinet and the parliamentary party might have preferred Rab Butler.
Significantly, the Marine Boy escape scene is set to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, providing just the right amount of macabre class it deserves. Just by carefully choosing the music, the animators transform the scene from a cheap action sequence to something almost elegant.
Looney Tunes is possibly one of the most famous cartoon series for sound design. Think of how many times we've missed out on seeing what contraption Wile E. Coyote is building, hearing only frantic sawing and hammering until the final reveal. It's not just effective comedic timing, it's sensible animation. They could have just drawn a big dust cloud or a series of blurred body parts and tools to show that lots of activity is happening. Instead, they often chose to show nothing, use only sound effects, and save the reveal for later.
You'll have seen similar examples in shots with characters sitting motionless as a radio blasts exposition at them. Electric-looking "sound waves" are the only thing animated over an otherwise still frame.
I love looking at animation that's so meticulous that every frame could be printed and hung on the wall, but in the real world of independent production, that's not always a realistic goal. If you're telling your story and telling it well, then don't worry about using a few cheats. If nothing else, someone just might write an article about it 40 years after the fact, so make those cheats good and dirty.
The second MotU Minis release really showed that Mattel was really counting on this line having legs. Round One, you've got He-Man and Mer-Man, which makes sense, but then in Round 2 they dive right into Moss Man? That's pretty far into the catalog for a second release. It's not like he's a Filmation-only character, but he's not part of the main cast, either. 2b1af7f3a8