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Hormones affect tissue structure and organization by affecting cell fate (for example, cellular proliferation, migration or differentiation) and/or death (that is, apoptosis or necrosis) during development and adulthood91,92,93. In adulthood, many healthy endocrine organs have a fairly stable number of cells (including adrenals and pancreas), whereas other endocrine organs or hormone-responsive tissues depend on cell growth for normal function (such as the testicles to form sperm, the uterine endometrium and vaginal lining). EDCs can alter the total number or positioning of cells in hormone-producing or hormone-responsive tissues by disrupting or promoting differentiation, proliferation, migration or cell death. For example, thyroid hormone controls cell proliferation and apoptosis in the developing cerebellum and PCBs can interfere with thyroid hormone signalling to cause abnormal morphology later in life94. Female mice exposed to oxybenzone, a chemical ultraviolet filter found in personal care products, during pregnancy and lactation have increased mammary epithelial cell proliferation, which is observed even weeks after exposures cease95. In cultured human endometrial stromal cells, treatment with the antibacterial agent triclosan increases decidualization96. In the brain (anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus), developmental exposure to a PCB mixture substantially decreases the numbers of cells expressing ERα in adult female but not male rats97. Further, tebuconazole, a common fungicide, impairs placental migration, a process essential to placentation98.
The KCs of EDCs are the functional properties of agents that alter hormone action. This emphasis is both unique and powerful in that these KCs comprise the major mechanisms by which hormone systems can be disrupted, including by interfering with what they do, how they do it and how they are controlled. The literature on the fundamental and clinical actions of hormones is extremely large and the KCs, as we have proposed them, open the process of EDC hazard identification to this literature. An essential element of the KC approach is that it superimposes on the fundamental endocrine framework the mechanisms by which chemicals can interfere with these systems. The KC approach is also adaptable in that users can collapse KCs (such as combine KC1 and KC2) if their given situation is advanced by this. The ten KCs described herein can also be mapped to current and future assays used to identify EDCs.
To convert patients from oral or parenteral opioids toDURAGESIC, use Table 1. Do not use Table 1 to convert from DURAGESIC toother therapies because this conversion to DURAGESIC is conservative and willoverestimate the dose of the new agent.
Personalization makes people feel valued, so tailoring support efforts toward customer personas can go a long way. Gathering context about who your buyers are (their preferences, personalities, buying habits, etc.) can help agents better customize their support and provide faster resolutions.
Refining processes with your customers in mind starts with understanding what the data is saying about your buyers and your support agents. This information can also help you understand pain points, needs, and goals. Any data collected can give you the power to improve CX.
Support agents collect real-time feedback: They learn how buyers are interacting with the product, understand pain points, know how (and if) expectations are being met, and see how the customer base is changing.
The English word "piano" as used for this musical instrument is a shortened form of pianoforte, the Italian term for the early 1700s versions of the instrument, which in turn derives from clavicembalo col piano e forte (key cimbalom with quiet and loud)[1] and fortepiano. The Italian musical terms piano and forte indicate "soft" and "loud" respectively,[2] in this context referring to the variations in volume (i.e., loudness) produced in response to a pianist's touch or pressure on the keys: the greater the velocity of a key press, the greater the force of the hammer hitting the strings, and the louder the sound of the note produced and the stronger the attack. The first fortepianos in the 1700s allowed for a quieter sound and greater dynamic range than the harpsichord.[3]
Piano making flourished during the late 18th century in the Viennese school, which included Johann Andreas Stein (who worked in Augsburg, Germany) and the Viennese makers Nannette Streicher (daughter of Stein) and Anton Walter. Viennese-style pianos were built with wood frames, two strings per note, and leather-covered hammers. Some of these Viennese pianos had the opposite coloring of modern-day pianos; the natural keys were black and the accidental keys white.[14] It was for such instruments that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his concertos and sonatas, and replicas of them are built in the 21st century for use in authentic-instrument performance of his music. The pianos of Mozart's day had a softer tone than 21st century pianos or English pianos, with less sustaining power. The term fortepiano now distinguishes these early instruments (and modern re-creations) from later pianos.
As with any other musical instrument, the piano may be played from written music, by ear, or through improvisation. While some folk and blues pianists were self-taught, in Classical and jazz, there are well-established piano teaching systems and institutions, including pre-college graded examinations, university, college and music conservatory diplomas and degrees, ranging from the B.Mus. and M.Mus. to the Doctor of Musical Arts in piano. Piano technique evolved during the transition from harpsichord and clavichord to fortepiano playing, and continued through the development of the modern piano. Changes in musical styles and audience preferences over the 19th and 20th century, as well as the emergence of virtuoso performers, contributed to this evolution and to the growth of distinct approaches or schools of piano playing. Although technique is often viewed as only the physical execution of a musical idea, many pedagogues and performers stress the interrelatedness of the physical and mental or emotional aspects of piano playing.[50][51][52][53][54] Well-known approaches to piano technique include those by Dorothy Taubman, Edna Golandsky, Fred Karpoff, Charles-Louis Hanon and Otto Ortmann.
Many classical music composers, including Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, composed for the fortepiano, a rather different instrument than the modern piano. Even composers of the Romantic movement, like Franz Liszt, Frédéric Chopin, Clara and Robert Schumann, Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn, and Johannes Brahms, wrote for pianos substantially different from 2010-era modern pianos. Contemporary musicians may adjust their interpretation of historical compositions from the 1600s to the 1800s to account for sound quality differences between old and new instruments or to changing performance practice.
Starting in Beethoven's later career, the fortepiano evolved into an instrument more like the modern piano of the 2000s. Modern pianos were in wide use by the late 19th century. They featured an octave range larger than the earlier fortepiano instrument, adding around 30 more keys to the instrument, which extended the deep bass range and the high treble range. Factory mass production of upright pianos made them more affordable for a larger number of middle-class people. They appeared in music halls and pubs during the 19th century, providing entertainment through a piano soloist, or in combination with a small dance band. Just as harpsichordists had accompanied singers or dancers performing on stage, or playing for dances, pianists took up this role in the late 1700s and in the following centuries.
The Act of July 4, 1884, (23 Stat. 76, 98) was vague, saying, "That hereafter each Indian agent be required, in his annual report, to submit a census of the Indians at his agency or upon the reservation under his charge." The Act itself did not specify the collection of names and personal information. However, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs sent a directive in 1885 (Circular 148) that reiterated the statement and added further instructions: "Superintendents in charge of Indian reservations should submit annually, a census of all Indians under their charge." He told the agents to use the plan he had prepared for gathering the information. The sample showed columns for Number (consecutive), Indian Name, English Name, Relationship, Sex, and Age. Other information on the number of males, females, schools, school children, and teachers was to be compiled statistically and included separately in the annual report.
The 1885 and later censuses were compiled by the agents using forms sent by the BIA. There was supposed to be only one census for each reservation, except in a few cases where part of the reservation was in another state. The original was sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; multiple copies were not created. The earliest censuses were written in by hand, but typing appeared quite early. Eventually the Commissioner issued instructions on exactly how to type some entries in, and requested that the family names be placed in alphabetical sections on the roll. For a while, a new census was taken each year and the entire roll redone. By 1921 agents were told to list all the people under their charge, and if a name was listed for the first time, or was not listed from the last year, an explanation was required. It was considered helpful to indicate the number for the person on the previous year's census. Persons also could be designated by a number peculiar to that reservation, if it was explained somewhere, or they could be listed as "N.E.", or "Not Enrolled." In the 1930s, sometimes only supplemental rolls showing the additions and deletions from the previous year were submitted. The regular process of taking the Indian censuses was discontinued in 1940, although a few later rolls exist. A new Indian Census was taken by the Census Bureau in 1950, but it will not be open to public use until 2022. 2b1af7f3a8