Tyagaraja Keerthanalu By S Janaki
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I have been collecting tyagaraja Kritis since 1966 onwards from AIR, books etc. SO far I have collected about 700 Kritis. But your work is great. Not only you have listed them alphabetically, but also you have provided the meaning along with transliteration in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam ( ? ), Telugu and Kannada. For some Kritis, I find dual raaga as ! I am In a dilemma. I have pointd those and posted to this site for clarification. Please look into them and sendaclarification to my mail I'd : rajgopalraog@ gmail.com
Dear sir,Is there any tyagarajar keerthanai where Sri tyagaraja compares lord Rama & his radiant grace to an early morning Sun that obliterates darkness & brings light & warmth, that helps the flowers & plants bloom, that nourishes the very sustinance, they gets the nocturnal beings elude and brings good spirit in hatshe.. 2b1af7f3a8