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Help2Heal Mission
"Help to Heal, Heal to Help"
My focus is to provide full contribution to improve the world.
Whilst this sounds trite I truly believe that the route to total happiness and fulfillment is by serving others and contributing to a universe that is better from our positive experiences, where possible to work to eradicate negative intentions and thoughts.
So I am here to guide you on how you can achieve and find that through walking your future of hope and fulfillment, and how you, in turn, can bring positivity to the world.
The best bit of all is I am running this as a non-profit so all profit from charges and income are going to be 100% handed back to deserving charities (I will not be taking a salary, and the only expenses will be those naturally incurred such as travel costs to appointments, stationary, training to enable future benefits to my most important asset - you, my customer).
The charity sectors will be those close to my heart for various reasons:-
- Health - my father died of cancer and I believe we can still do so much more through funding
- Animals - I have always been a lover of animals and feel peaceful around them; no animals should be harmed by hurtful human actions
- Homeless - since 2017 I have been involved with the homeless and these individuals are the same as us just a few steps removed; they deserve the dignity and grace, and many have amazing stories to share
- Young People - as they say are our future, and if the universe is to be its best then we want to help this area
- Old People - have given their life in so many cases whether it be in struggles or raising families, now deserve their peace in their latter years

Learn More About Me
Thank you for visiting my site. It is a pleasure to be here to serve you and help you to add value to your life.
I am Simon, a 52 year old living in Dorset UK, who has now found a place of peace and happiness through commitment to contribute to this beautiful universe.
After over 30 years working hard for a corporate environment I reached a point where I realised there was more to life, and the way I was ordering my priorities and values did not fulfill me.
Through counselling, coaching, and researching many avenues I came to realise that I have a lot to contribute to my friends and valued customers that in turn can deliver a more positive world.
So that's my story so far to get to this point in time, and I look forward to learning how I can help improve your life to bring you more fulfillment, positivity, and energy to empower you to attain an outstanding future.

“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour”
Walt Whitman
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