There are no days off
I should have shared this when it happened, I should have taken action immediately. It took two days to fully address this which allowed self sabotage for two days. That is time and energy that should have been better spent elsewhere.
It was a Saturday, and it was a relaxing day with masses of fun
The focus turned elsewhere, the energy was used elsewhere That night my subconscious pounced I dreamt the hurt of fears and limiting beliefs, I cried in my sleep and that pain dug in. IT WAS NOT REAL! It doesn't like letting go of years of training until it is completely sure it's safe to do so. Sunday I was low energy and jittery.
I regrouped with the coaching that was needed to get right on top of this and kick it out again Teach the subconscious where we are going and why. Once we set our identity and values we commit fully. We do not let anything deviate us. The more challenges, the more growth. Bring it on, and crush it.
Straight back into full laser focus, full commitment, and perpetual training and
learning for growth.
We deserve fun, we are allowed fun, however let's not think of it as a day off. That subconscious needs continual attention and training
Always watch and guard your thoughts and actions. Ensure wherever you are that those are in line with your identity, your values and your direction.
I love the phrase that I borrow from others of "you play out in public what you train in private". The training is needed for when our time comes and we are released. Every successful individual trains. If we want success we need to put in the time effort energy to dedicate to our training.
You will win the day if you keep full commitment.
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Sama-sama! Senang bisa membantu. Satu hal lagi yang saya pelajari adalah pentingnya memiliki sistem dukungan, baik itu teman, keluarga, atau komunitas yang bisa memotivasi kamu untuk tetap pada jalur. Selain itu, terkadang kita perlu mengingatkan diri bahwa setiap langkah kecil menuju tujuan adalah kemenangan, jadi jangan terlalu keras pada diri sendiri. Jika kamu tertarik dengan bagaimana data bisa membantu meningkatkan produktivitas dan analisis, saya sarankan untuk membaca artikel tentang data analyst adalah. Artikel ini membahas keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang analis data, yang dapat memberikan wawasan berharga tentang bagaimana menggunakan data untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Tetap semangat dan terus konsisten!