Own your day to achieve your perfect life
How should we have a good day?
Here are my suggestions that work for me
Now the days that were 4 out of 10 (maybe sometimes pushing 6 out of 10) have turned into 10s (maybe dipping to 8 and a half on a frustrating day)
In Tony's words would you date a 7 out of 10
Build it with complete Focus
Be mindful all through that this is a good day, and this is a day that is made for you
I am the director of my day, I am a leader
Use Good Habits - and push out Bad Habits by replacing with Good Habits
Set Routines...some of mine are as follows
Morning Priming - wake up and scan body and mind
Set intent for the day
Be kind to your body - for me this is daily detox with Celery juice
Wake your body up and get it ready - for me this is Exercise - pressups and situps
Wake your body up some more - for me this is a shower that starts and ends cold - to stimulate the lymphs and get the energy flow through my entire body
Win your day
Follow through on 3 to 5 must do goals for the day
It is important to recognise that too often to-dos roll over and often dont get done
So these are target goals - bigger than a to-do item and directly in line with where you are heading)
When each goal is accomplished take time to congratulate yourself, share your success with others
It is better if AT LEAST one of these goals is focussed on other people or something where you contribute and serve
No ego here, no expectation of comeback, simply giving for others pleasure - the universe will reward you in its own way and its own time
And AT LEAST ONE for your personal growth and development
You are what you surround yourself with and where your focus and energy is
(Is there time? Well are you wasting time surfing the net to learn or to scroll and scroll and scroll and ..., are you watching the "news" that does nothing for making us feel growth as too often these days this is to draw you in with stories of doom that are significantly overplayed)
There is time for all of this - we need a break; however invest your time in moderation is best and what is the split of your time on productive versus harmful or addictive activities
Take breaks - its a long game and that hard work needs interupts for mind and body to reset
Shake it out
Literally stand up and be that big mountain rescue dog coming out of the river and shaking dry
Use posture methods to align from all that desk work (e.g. egoscue)
Relax the mind (meditation can happen in 2 minutes and does not have to last 10 minutes or more)
Use your time wisely
If you are feeling there is not enough time then look at why that is
You have exactly the same time as world leaders, peace makers, inventors, designers, authority figures
What are they doing differently? How many of them will be saying they do not have enough time?
Train your mind to work for you, know when you are losing your way
From start to finish keep your subconscious and conscious focus
Evening Settling - know you have done your best and how wonderful you are
Start the process by refocussing to the body - I use Exercise - same as morning routine with pressups and situps (pressups first to be kinder to the core)
Journalling - write down the highs of your day, what went well.
If there are bad points or frustrations write these as how you overcame these and grew from these
Then let them go right now - we should not let these linger and right here we let these go before we sleep
Gratitude - take time to be thankful for all you have, everything that the universe has gifted you with today - you are blessed
Meditation as you drift to sleep knowing this world provided you an amazing life and a perfect day - just how, and where you need it
And that my friends is how I achieve my perfect day.
Wishing you peace and calm on your journey